Our Mission
To provide the digital and social resources required to bridge the gap between the U.S. Military active and reserve components.
Vision Statement
Realizing the full potential of the U.S. Military Reserve Force.
Who We Are
Ricardo N Feliciano

Ricardo is a big believer in being the change you want to see in the world.
He’s an Ubuntu Linux user because he believes in the open-source movement. He joined the U.S. Navy Reserves in 2011 because he believes in protecting the freedoms that we’ve had the privilege to grow up with in this country. He helps people whenever he can because at one time or another, we all need help. We all need someone to care.
Ricardo was a Information Systems Technician (IT) in the Navy for 6 years and has been in several software engineering roles at tech companies for the past 9 years. The Reserve Force is the result of bridging his military and civilian experience and skills together.
Raven Benson

Raven Benson (also known as IT1 Benson) is currently a Navy Reservist. Coming into the service as a “NAT” Sailor, the life of a reservist, with all of its highs and lows, is all she’s known for the last 9 years. She has dedicated her time to making the life of reservists easier and believes that The Reserve Force completes that mission.
Apart from the Navy, Raven is a Senior Cyber Security Analyst for an American worldwide apparel and footwear company. She drills in North Carolina and is cross-assigned to a unit in Virginia.