Obtain a Mac friendly CAC reader

In most cases your reserve center should issue you a CAC reader that is compatible with either Windows or MacOS. If you cannot obtain once from your reserve center, you can purchase one for less than $20. Here are a few you can try:

Download your DoD Certificates

These certificates are required to access DoD CAC-enabled websites.

  1. Use the Shift + Command + U buttons to access your Utilities
  2. Find and double-click “Keychain Access”
  3. Select “Login” and “All Items”
  4. Download the following five files. Once douwnloaded, double-click each one to install in your Keychain Access. When you double-click Mac Root Cert 3 and 4, you will need to tell your browser to always trust them.


Additional steps for Firefox.

  1. Download the following certificates and double-click to unzip (there should be 39 files)
  2. With Firefox open, click “Firefox” on the top left and then click “Preferences”
  3. Click “Advanced” > “Certificates” > “View Certificates”
  4. Click “Authorities” and then click “Import”
  5. Import each file from the “AllCerts” folder. In the popup, check all 3 boxes and click “OK”